Santa Rosa Intercultural Center's Hours

Spring 2025 hours:

Monday & Tuesday: 9:30am - 6:00pm

Wednesday & Thursday: 9:30am - 4pm

Fridays: By appointment

Community Agreements & Assumptions


Anytime people gather as a group we form both a community and a culture. Community Agreements help us identify concrete ways to create that culture and to talk about and through conflict. Using these practices and tools we can challenge ourselves and each other while still recognizing we’re all coming from different places of knowing and transforming.

We ask all visitors at the Santa Rosa Intercultural Center abide by these agreements. Please be mindful of your own actions, be open to observations of your behavior, and be open to sharing feedback with others regarding their actions.

Many of these assumptions were originally articulated by AORTA, and are borrowed with gratitude!

To view our community agreements and assumptions in presentation mode click here. 

Community Agreements

  • Be curious, open, and respectful: call in, not out- throw sunshine, not shade
  • No one knows everything, together we know a lot.
  • We can't be articulate all the time- Give the benefit of the doubt and ask questions.
  • We take care of ourselves- stretch, eat, drink, use the restroom, rest, etc. 
  • Confidentiality- don't speak for others without explicit permission. Don't share something communicated in private or a safe space.
  • one mic- one voice at a time
  • Take space/make space- if you are usually quiet, challenge yourself to take more space. And if you usually talk a lot be mindful to leaver room for the quieter voices.
  • Avoid jargon, acronyms, and industry language- use inclusive language that is accessible for people with varying inside knowledge. 
  • Be aware of time- Acknowledge that sometimes we are limited in what we share so that various folks have an opportunity to share.
  • Speak from your own experience- Use I statements rather than generalizations.
  • Be conscious of intent vs impact: No matter intention you're responsible for your impact
  • Avoid using "isms" without explaining what you mean by them

Community Assumptions

At the SRIC we hold certain assumptions that underpin the framework and activities at the Santa Rosa Intercultural Center

  • We are all here because we want and choose to be here
  • All systems of oppression exist
  • We live at intersections, we all benefit and are harmed by systematic oppression
  • It is not useful to argue about which system is worse
  • All systems are interconnected
  • Dismantling systems of oppression benefits everyone
  • Confronting social injustice is painful and joyful
  • Liberation is possible
  • There are things in the world that are true, even if they are not taught in college
  • Opposing systems of oppression, building alternatives, and cultural change are all necessary
  • Sometimes educators have to be educated by students themselves
  • Communities can develop the capacity to deal with problems they are facing
  • All students are intelligent
  • We are on stolen Indigenous land

Contact us

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Pioneer Hall 380
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Click here to
 make an appointment


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(707) 527-4741


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(707) 527-4741