For many cultures, tribes, and people, what is currently known as "Día de Muertos" has been a tradition practiced since time immemorial. This is a very important time of year for many families and communities, and is practiced all around the world as the diaspora of indigenous and Latinx folks who celebrate it have migrated, been displaced, sought refuge, or traveled. As with any holiday, not all families nor individuals have the exact same customs, stories, or beliefs around these days. The ways in which "Día de Muertos" is represented at SRJC as well does not aim to be representative or prescriptive of how "Día de Muertos" should be practiced. Instead, many of us recognize the deep value to practice and share this tradition with students, staff, faculty and community members and do so with honoring our own ancestral teachings and/or adapting it to what we have access to.
Below you can find all the different ways in which you can celebrate with us!
All events are free and open to the public.
ASL Interpreters available upon request: To request interpreting services to access these events, please contact the Interpreting Services Office at least one week prior to the event to make arrangements., or send a text to (707) 230-3895.
Some events are eligible for PGI and Flex. If you would like us to assist you with proof of attendance, please reach out to
Visit SRJC Altars
From October 14- November 1, visit our various altars on the Santa Rosa and Petaluma campuses. The altars are available for viewing during each location's office hours (contact each department for hours).
- Download a flyer with altar locations:
- Follow an interactive google map by clicking on the link:
Events for Día de Muertos
Taller de Hojalatería y Repujado
Miercoles 9 de octubre, 202412 - 2 pm
Bibloteca Doyle, Campus de Santa Rosa, primer piso salón #144, Campus Santa Rosa
Ven a crear un sagrado corazón de hojalateria y repujado, un taller con Enedina Vera. No necesitas traer nada - gratis
Hojalatería and Repujado workshop
Wednesday, October 9, 2024; 12 - 2 pm
Doyle Library, Santa Rosa campus, 1st floor, room #144,
Come create a sacred heart using aluminum. A workshop lead by Enedina Vera, SRJC HEP recruiter. Organized by the High School Equivalency Program.
LumaFest SRJC Petaluma
Saturday, October 19, 2024, from 11 AM to 3 PM
Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) Petaluma is excited to invite you to our annual educational open house and El Día de los Muertos Community Celebration! This lively event is the perfect opportunity for families and community members to come together and celebrate this rich cultural tradition. Whether rain or shine, the celebration will go on with all activities, performances, and booths located under covered walkways or indoors. For more information visit:
Celebración y Lectura de Calaveras Literarias
Miercoles 23 de octubre | 11am - 1pm
Museo multicultural del Colegio de Santa Rosa, Bussman Hall 1401
Disfrute de un bocadillo ligero y disfrute del altar creativo y colorido, creado en colaboracion con Enedina Vera y alumnos de HEP.
Dia de los Muertos Reception
Wednesday, October 23rd | 11:00 -1:00pm
SRJC Multicultural Museum, Bussman Hall 1401
Enjoy light refreshments and take in the creative and colorful altar, created by Enedina Vera, Outreach Specialist, High School Equivalency Program
SRJC Día de Muertos Procesión y Celebración,
miercoles 23 de octubre, 2024 | 6:00PM-8:00PM
Bertolini Quad Campus Santa Rosa
Únase a nosotros en una procesión a visitar algunos altares en el colegio. Al final de la procesión, nos espera una celebración con altares, actividades, recursos, y aperitivos. Participe en nuestro concurso de disfraz vistiéndose como catrina/ catrín. Traiga a toda la familia y amigos a celebrar el día de muertos. Organizado por: MEChA de SRJC, Santa Rosa Intercultural Center
SRJC Día de Muertos Procession & Celebration
Wednesday, October 23, 2024 | 6:00PM-8:00PM
Bertolini Quad Santa Rosa Campus
Join us for an in-person walking procession to visit some altars throughout campus. At the end of the procession, a celebration awaits us with altars, activities, resources, and snacks at the Dinning Commons. Dress your best for the Catrina/Catrin showcase! Bring family & friends to celebrate Día de Muertos!