Spring hours

Santa Rosa Intercultural Center's Hours

June 17- Aug 13 (summer semester)

Tues, Weds, Thurs: 10 am - 4pm

Open for drop-in & appointments


Closed June 19, June 24-28, July 4

If we are closed and you need general support, visit Bertolini 1st floor info desk M-Th 8am-5pm


Image of the word "Herencia"


To request ASL interpreting services to access these events, please contact the Interpreting Services Office at least one week
prior to the event to make arrangements: InterpretingServices@santarosa.edu or send a text to
(707) 230-3895.

All events are free and open to the public.

Workshops, seminars and conferences are eligible for PGI. If you would like us to assist you with proof of attendance, please reach out to intercultural@santarosa.edu. These events can be reported for professional development credit with Forever Flex code FF:12- HERENCIA lecture series.


image of a Quipo, string with various strings dangeling, whic are of a wide variety of colours, strings, and dozen of knots all tied in various ways at various heights
photo by Claus Ableiter

Re-membering Ancestral Dyes W/ Sari Monroy

Thursday, Sept 19 | 10:30am - 12:00pm

Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa Intercultural Center, Pioneer 380

Image of sari Monroy using her back strap loom.
photo by Fibershed

Re-membering Backstrap Weaving W/ Sari Monroy

Friday, September 20 | 10:00 am- 12:00 pm

Santa Rosa, RSVP for location

  • more info

    RSVP at intercultural@santarosa.edu

picture of lavendar plants with purple flowers. Brick buildings and trees out of focus in background

Sanación con hierbas (evento en español)

Miercoles, 26 de septiembre | 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Santa Rosa, SR Intercultural Center, Pioneer 380

  • more info

    Venga a aprender como sanar con hierbas, nuestro conocimiento ancestral de sanación debe continuar. Herbalista certificada, Josselyn Torres, dará este taller donde podrá aprender y compartir sobre el uso de hierbas.

Head shot of Nolan Cabrera looking at the camera smiling wearing glasses, a linen shirt, and a tan fedora.

Unapologetically Brown in a Time of Whitelash

Thursdasy, October 3 | 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

Santa Rosa, Bertolini Student Activities Center (SAC)

  • more info

    ·         In this presentation, Dr. Cabrera will critically examine why Brown people are continually scapegoated in politically contentious times. He will explore various forms of resistance and emphasize the importance of centering Brown joy throughout the process. Dr. Cabrera will also share his insights on key areas within our community that we must address and celebrate to advance collectively.

Image of a male pomo daner with regalia and headdress

Indigenous Peoples' Day

Monday, October 14 | 11:00 am - 3:00 pm

Santa Rosa, Burbank Outdoor Stage Area

graphic with butterflies and Undocumented Student Action week

Undocumented Student Action Week

October 14 - October 18

Online & PAU Center, Bertolini 4841

Political cartoon that shows an egg with the word "Colombia" written on it. A bird with the word "Panama Republic" written on it shown flying out of the egg carrying signs that read "Concession to United States to dig canal" and "Credentials of Bunau-Varilla as minister to the U.S." A caricature of Theodore Roosevelt is seen standing in front of the bird to collect the signs. A French man stands behind the egg with a lit candle. They are holding a candle's flame against the egg with the word "intrigue" coming out of the light. In their other hand they have a brief case. Under their arm is a stack of money that reads "French Canal CA stock bond to US. Sold to US $40,000,000”
"the man behind the egg" from the New York Times




a mock ticket with the text: Save the date Friday October 13, 2023. Latinx Carpa, Student Talent Show. Come one Come all. Luther Burbank Auditorium. Admit One with same info. Image of a fair tarp and music notes coming out




picture of Dr. Garcia, has short curly hair, is smiling at the camera. Wearing a bulky gold necklace over a black shirt.




Contact us

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Pioneer Hall 380
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Click here to
 make an appointment


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(707) 527-4741


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(707) 527-4741